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Special Ed Law and Dyslexia

An Open Letter to Our Education System

An Open Letter to Our Education System - Dyslexia Training Institute

An Open Letter to Our Education System – Dyslexia Training Institute (Photo by GenerationBass/Flickr)

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When it comes to dyslexia, you are doing a terrible job, downright awful and some days I want to say you are dreadful at teaching and identifying children with dyslexia. By doing so, you are negatively affecting the lives of these children, their families and those trying to help them for years to come. All in the face of a mountain of research.

Yet, you perpetuate this mass injustice and failure to provide FAPE with nonchalant indignation. You tell parents they are wrong or that they are the problem. You tell children and families they lack motivation. You deny the existence of dyslexia in the face of a mountain of evidence available with one Google search. You continue to fail to train teachers to help these children. All in the face of a mountain of research

You create educational plans without regards to a child’s needs and instead use what you have versus what will actually work. You do so with a sigh and an annoyed grimace. All in the face of a mountain of research.
You make us wait to help these children. You make us fight you for months. You create a hostile environment. All in the face of a mountain of research.

You have failed these children with dyslexia and you should be ashamed.


  • Enid Wilson says:

    Thank you Dr. Sandman-Hurley for saying what needs to be said!

  • Mariela Acosta says:

    Gracias Dr. por sus palabras, deseo agregar que muchas veces esta problemática no es tratada debidamente, muchos en mi país “necesitaríamos como el pan” cursos de este tipo.
    Mariela Beatiz Acosta

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