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AB1369: Dear Fellow Californians

AB 1369 - Dear Fellow Californians

Dear parents, students and anyone who works with students with dyslexia in California,

The news of AB1369 has hit social media and the response has been a bit disconcerting, to say the least. Yes, I hear you when you say you are disappointed that AB1369 was pared down and we did not get everything we wanted. What you are not hearing is that AB1369 is not done, it is just beginning and in order to make it happen the way you want it to, we need your help, not your negative comments.

Until April 22, 2015 I was a disenfranchised voter. I was uninterested in what my local politicians were doing on my behalf and really didn’t think it affected me. What I witnessed both behind the scenes and during the hearing completely changed the way I view politics in the state of California. I wanted to share with you what I learned for those of you who are frustrated and believe enough hasn’t been done. I am here to assure you that I have never seen a group of parents work harder for kids with dyslexia and AB1369 in a more complex political environment than we have here in the very large state of California.

First, you should know that the leaders of Decoding Dyslexia – CA use every moment they have to work on this bill. They drive to and from Sacramento on a regular basis. They hold conference calls at 9:00 at night. They email and call legislators and lobbyists. They research other legislation online for hours on end. They neglect their own families to help your family.

Second, it is easy to compare what is happening in California with other states that have been successful in passing laws, until you understand that California is far bigger and more complex than most other states, then you realize that that comparison is nonsensical. We have a teachers’ union (CTA) that has more power than I ever imagined – and that is where your energy should be directed. Instead of passing judgement and expressing disappointment in AB1369 why don’t you jump in and help DD-CA figure out how to get more people involved and vocal? Until that happens the CTA will not budge until they think there is more interest.

Third, until you are intimately involved in the process, you really have no idea how the game is played; I certainly didn’t. It is a game. It is a game of understanding the different assembly and committee members and who they receive campaign donations from and how that will affect their vote. It is a matter of trying to figure out what deals are going on behind closed doors. It is knowing that things change in a matter of minutes unbeknownst to you and there are long-standing relationships in the Capitol that affect this bill.

Lastly, we need more dads to be involved. After I gave my testimony on April 22, I watched parent after parent come to the microphone and express their support for AB1369, and of all those wonderful parents, there were only 3 dads. So, this is a call for the dads to let legislators know they too care about this bill.

So, before you start sharing your disappointment and criticism on social media, think about what you have done to help this bill. Do you really have the right to criticize? Have you really heard that this bill is not done? The people that read your comments have given up a lot to help you and your comments do nothing to help the bill pass.

Your fellow Californian,

Kelli Sandman-Hurley, Ed.D.


Download the PDF version of this article here.



  • Tobie Meyer says:

    Thank you for your and Tracy’s dedication to AB 1369 and to the entire dyslexic community! You are very appreciated in ALL that you do!

  • Karen says:


    Can you explain more about this? This is really upsetting. This impacts even a dyslexia bill? Who were they influenced by, the teacher’s union? Didn’t the teacher’s union come around and decide to support the bill?

    • Karen says:

      Ugh, the paste didn’t show. This is what I wanted you to explain more about: “It is a game of understanding the different assembly and committee members and who they receive campaign donations from and how that will affect their vote. “

  • Lisa Klipfel says:

    Yes, I was disappointed that AB1369 was ripped apart. I was sad. I grieved for the children who will not be screened and as the school year closes, there will be another grade of students who will not be “found” to have dyslexia. I know that it is in no way a reflection on the parents, teachers and professionals who poured their hearts, time, and energy into this bill.
    I personally flew up to Sacramento from Southern California, at my own expense including airfare and hotel, to talk with legislators. I spoke to 7 legislators, covering areas in which there was no DDCA parent was present. As a group we did influence a lot of people, but more than anything is that we raised awareness that dyslexia is not seen. It wasn’t just the 7 legislators. It was their staff, the secretaries, the other lobbyists, the other people riding the elevators, the taxi drivers, the airport staff and the list goes on.
    As for dads, yes, please enter the conversation. We had two meetings with 2 dads present. In fact one of the teens who came for the day, said that the most impressive part of her day was hearing her father speak up for her. It wasn’t being in the capital building or meeting legislators…her hero was her dad.
    Social media is a way to voice our thoughts and feelings. And, perhaps, I too have been negative about the current writing of AB1369, but they have been directed at those that have been the barrier. I think it was important for people to know the power the CTA has in this state and that we need to stand up to them and not put up with it any longer.
    This process isn’t over. We have another committee, the assembly, senate committees and senate floor. When our bill is passed, we will be doing this again…because our children NEED us to. We need everyone who has a heart for dyslexia to make a tiny step. It may be as simple as a phone call. Trust me, your voice matters…and so does those you know who have dyslexia!

  • Megan says:

    Kelli, I appreciate your insight into the process of getting this bill passed-it is always important to show gratitude and not to pass judgement. Since you wrote this letter it is my understanding the bill passed this summer–is that correct? If so, what is the next step? What does this mean for getting students tested this school year?

    Megan (A current student at the DTI)

  • Kristin says:

    I am wondering where we can read what has been agreed upon. You mentioned that parts of the bill were changed. Do we know what the Governor signed?

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