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Dyslexia is Real: One Woman’s Quest

How One Woman Is Changing Her CountryDownload the PDF version of this article here.


In September of 2013, I received an email from a woman who wanted the Dyslexia Training Institute to help her get help to struggling readers in Belize. I thought to myself that it was an interesting concept, but that we probably wouldn’t be able to help since Belize is a Spanish-speaking country (I have since been corrected, English is their national language) and these things usually don’t go anywhere. But, I was interested and emailed her back and so began one of the most fulfilling exchanges of my professional career.


The article, Dyslexia is Real: One Woman’s Quest, published in the Expatriates Magazine in Paris, France, is the story I wrote about Tessa Matus and how she is changing the future of a country on her own and at break-neck pace. We hope other countries will follow her lead because we know dyslexia does not only affect Americans and as Tessa shows us, it only takes one Tessa to change the world.

Click on this link to get to the correct edition of Expatriates Magazine and go to page 30 to read more.

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