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Introduction to Structured Literacy and the Orton-Gillingham Approach

Who should enroll?

Educators in all capacities, parents, psychologists, private practitioners, SLPs, advocates, district staff, school staff, etc.

Class Dates

July 8 – August 2
September 16 – October 11
November 25 – December 20

FEE: $330


Prerequisite: Defining Dyslexia*
This four-week class (20-30 total hours) is an introduction to Structured Literacy and the Orton-Gillingham (O-G) approach. You will learn the basic tenets of Structured Literacy, examples of multisensory teaching/learning strategies, the history of Orton-Gillingham and why it is important to understand when working with struggling readers. Participants will be introduced to common terminology used in the O-G  approach, the way an OG approach is structured and why, strategies to teach phonemic awareness, grapheme/phoneme correspondence, syllable types and spelling rules. This course contains instructional videos and it is taught by a seasoned instructor so you will have the opportunity to have your questions answered while also building a community with other participants.

Topics Covered:

  • What is Structured Literacy
  • What is Orton-Gillingham
  • Terminology used in Structured Literacy
  • Phonemic Awareness Strategies
  • Grapheme/Phoneme Strategies
  • Introduction to Syllable Types
  • Introduction to Spelling Rules

Instructors: All DTI courses are taught by a seasoned instructor who helps build community within the course as well as provides an opportunity to have questions answered.

Materials: All supplemental materials and videos are included within the course site.

Graduate Extension Credits are available from the University of San Diego. More Information

* This course can be waived. Email us at for more information about the waiver.

**This course can be customized for groups (e.g. districts, schools, parent, advocacy).

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