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It’s Called Dyslexia

It's Called DyslexiaDownload the PDF version of this article here.

Forward by Kim Lorey, Head of Decoding Dyslexia – Arkansas

By Leann Hammett, Barton Interventionist

Get ready because I’m about to admit something I never have in public. I live in constant fear that my intelligence will be judged because of writing mistakes. I have my doctorate degree, yet second guess what I just wrote over and over…..and my struggles are MILD. When Leann Hammett, a Barton Interventionist, sent me this, I decided to post. I hope someone might hold their head a little higher today, and that someone else might learn to look at the world in a different way.

“From time to time I see people post ramblings saying things like, “Why can’t people spell?” “Learn the difference between your and you’re, to, too and two.” These ramblings initially made me angry, but not anymore. I am here to educate you. Have you stopped to think that if someone could spell correctly, that they would? Use spell check you say. That is easy for you, isn’t it? You see, there is a reason people don’t “just get it”, spell poorly, and don’t use correct grammar. It’s called dyslexia. For someone with dyslexia it isn’t easy at all. Their brains are wired differently than yours.

If you read something that someone wrote with poor spelling, let it go. This person has communicated their thoughts in writing. You got the meaning. Love them for that. Accept them for that. How brave of them to put themselves out there knowing it probably isn’t spelled correctly. If you are in a professional environment, offer to proofread and help out. Build them up. Give them confidence. And don’t complain about it. They can read what you say when you post your ramblings. Your words are hurtful. And quite frankly, make you look bad.

These people are the greatest inventors, actors, musicians, authors. (Google famous dyslexics. I dare you.) Like you, (You know, the ones who are complaining) I am left-brained. What do I have to offer? I can proofread your work and spell. Oh Man, Can I spell! And I LOVE grammar! It excites me! What do they have to offer? They make the world go around. They think outside of the box. They invent, create, entertain, and run businesses. What a boring world it would be if were all left-brained. We could sit around and proofread each other’s writing. But instead we have brilliant people who use their magnificent brains for things that we couldn’t possibly come up with.

Instead of criticizing them, you should be thankful for them. I am thankful for a father-in-law who is a poor speller because he can fix anything. I am thankful for a husband who is a poor speller because he can imagine a project in the beginning phase as it will look completely finished. I am thankful for a son who is a poor speller because he can help me hear a song made by the rain drops and who can write poetry in a snap. I am thankful for them because they have erased my ignorance. I know how brilliant they are and that it does not matter how they spell or how slowly they read.

Spelling and grammar is not a sign of intelligence, but your judgment of their spelling and grammar is a sign of your ignorance.”

Leann Hammett


  • Mary Galindo says:

    Dear Dr.Kelli and Tracy,
    I want to thank you for the wonderful Dyslexia training held in Salt Lake City last week in Salt Lake City. It was a very intensive workshop and much presented is going to be helpful to me. I work at the Dual Immersion Academy here is SLC. I am an English reading RTI teacher and work upon referral from teachers. Many students in the school are of Spanish speaking families. I am lucky to have lived in South America for many years and dominate the Spanish language.

    I wish you put me on your mailing list for any new information and updates. You mentioned the acronym list that you have available. I would like to have than as well.

    Thank you for tor the dynamic workshop.
    Sincerely, Mary Galindo

  • Leanne,

    I absolutely love your blog post. I am dyslexic! Your words have both resonated with me and touched me deeply. I am fascinated with the emotional sides of dyslexia. I would love to hear more about your story.

    Gina Mazzetti
    Author of “A Shout-Out for Dyslexics: The Emotional Side”

  • Carl bogen says:

    Thanks for the info, I am 79 years old have a b.s. Degree in general studies, have worked in industry as a manufacturing engineer, taught machine tool operation and math at a community college. Also served 40 years in the US coast guard retired as a lieutenant. Missed my last promotion to it commander due to having dyslexia and a senior officer who did not understand. Did well but still lost out on the end because of ignorant people.

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