Who should enroll?
Educators in all capacities, parents, psychologists, private practitioners, SLPs, advocates, attorneys, policy makers, etc.
Educators in all capacities, parents, psychologists, private practitioners, SLPs, advocates, attorneys, policy makers, etc.
Fall 2025 Dates
October 6 – December 12, 2025
Application Deadline – October 1, 2025
The Dyslexia Advocate Certificate Program is designed to teach participants how to advocate for students with dyslexia in the public school system. Participants will learn about the Individuals with Disabilities and Education Act (IDEA), FAPE, IEPs 504s, appropriate accommodations, letter writing, interpreting assessments, how to request and receive appropriate services and interventions, dispute processes and resolutions and how to research their state’s laws, in the context of advocating specifically for students with dyslexia.
Upon completion of the program participants will be able to effectively work with families and the school districts to ensure the laws are respected and that children are receiving the services and accommodations they require.
The program covers the following topics (see program guide for more information):
Instructor: Kelli Sandman-Hurley, Ed.D.
Optional Text– Dyslexia Advocate, 2nd Edition, Kelli Sandman-Hurley, Ed.D.
All supplemental materials and videos are included within the course site.
Graduate Extension Credits are available from the University of San Diego. More Information
**This course can be customized for groups (e.g. districts, schools, parent, advocacy).